
We have started another unit- Money. We are still multiplying (now up to our 4 times tables) but we are also learning about money. We are adding and subtracting money amounts to $10.00. We are also solving double step problems involving the addition and subtraction of money amounts.


We have started a new unit. We are now exploring multiplication using drawings and arrays. We will be doing some work to memorize some of the harder facts in the near future. If you could provide support with this at home it would be beneficial. Here are some of the anchor charts that may help at home.


We have started working on patterning in Math this week. (Mon. Dec.19th-Fri. Dec 23rd) So far we have reviewed patterning from Grade 2 and we have created patterns with 2 attributes. After the break we will be moving on to communicating about patterns using the following success criteria.

Practicing creating patterns with 2 attributes and communicating about them would be helpful. We will then be looking at growing and shrinking patterns and using a T-chart to solve problems involving repeated addition and subtraction.

Here are a few of our anchor charts...

We are continuing our work on Data Management. We had a lesson on scale today. Sometimes our numbers are too big and we need to choose a scale that works better for our data. There should be work coning home today that is a scale of 2. Ask your child to explain why they used that particular scale.

We just started Data Management today. We reviewed a few things from Grade 2 and started talking about sorting things according to different categories. Keep an eye out for work coming home.

We are now working on area and perimeter. Check out this short video for help on finding the missing side when calculating perimeter.

Play this game to help with this skill as well
If you were having fun and didn't want to stop here is another one

We are working on addition of 3 digit numbers with regrouping right now. Additional practice at home is always beneficial.

Here is a link that reviews how to add with regrouping. Math Ninja

Here is the link to the math game MAKING TEN

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